Anime and Manga



Freezing Another anime title scheduled for airing in the winter season of 2010, Freezing is definitely a must watch for viewers interested in ecchi fanservice, like myself. To tell the truth, I don…
The Tatami Galaxy Thumbnail
The Tatami Galaxy Tomihiko Morimi's original Yojō-Han Shinwa Taikei novel follows a nameless protagonist who is a third-year college student. The protagnoist looks back at the earlier years of his college life and his
[Anime] Nourin (or No-Rin) Idolm@ster and Love Live featured female students aspiring to be idols. In Nourin, the opposite occurs. One of the most popular idols, Kusakabe Yuka, retires abruptly, changing her name to enrol in a …
[Anime] Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova So apparently, I just noticed this anime through its preview. Though it's been almost a month since the preview was shown, and yet there's still no thread about it. Anywho, …
Which anime would you want adapted into a dating sim? I remember playing a Love Hina dating sim/RPG a while back which was a fun way to kill time. I hear on 4chan they're planning on an eroge featuring Upotte characters. If you liked an anime with a larg…
Anime like Baka and Test? Hey everyone, I've been craving an anime like Baka and Test (Baka to Tesuto to Shōkanjū), I really like the absurd humor, energetic and absurd animation. I liked how it was easy to binge watch
Anime Chobits I was recently given Netflix and was wondering is Chobits a good anime to watch?
[Anime] Wizard Barristers ~ Benmashi Cecil For the first time in a long time, it wasn't the ecchi fanservice nor the moeness which prompted me to create this particular topic; it was the fond memories of Mezzo Forte, Kite and other works of Ya…
Who else thinks the anime Btooom! is highly underrated? this show was so good! it only had 12 episodes and somehow it made me get attached to the characters and I nearly cried at the end, I just don't understand how shows like Shingeki no kyojin and Sword …
[General] Best Anime of 2013? What do you think was the best anime this year? And if you can't widdle it down to one, then top ten-fifteen are accepted. Mine are 15. Symphogear G 14. Vividred Operation…
Saki Thumbnail
Saki Mahjong anime by Gonzo. The story centers around Saki Miyanaga, a timid freshman girl who has never enjoyed the Asian tile game of mahjong. However, another freshman brings her into their…
[Anime] Jörmungandr Thumbnail
[Anime] Jörmungandr It has being quite a while that i have an anime that i'm impatient for. Description …
[Anime] Saikin Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiin da ga Expect more incest- and yuri-related doujinshis to be hitting the market (and internet) soon, assuming "Saikin Imouto no Youso ga Chotto Okashiin da ga" proves to be popular. After their p…
Usagi Drop Thumbnail
Usagi Drop This seems like a really good and relatively mature anime. It's basically about a 30 year-old man, Daikichi, who came to his grandfather's funeral to pay his respects and say his goodbyes. There he me…
[ Locked ] [Anime]Usagi Drop Name:Usagi Drop or Bunny Drop if you prefer English Type: TV Episodes: 11 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Jul 8, 2011 to Sep 16, 2011 Producers: Production I.G, Fuji TV, …
I never really understood the appeal of Hatsune Miku. But... Thumbnail
I never really understood the appeal of Hatsune Miku. But... ...I can totally empathize with Rin fans, because, damn it, she's cute. Heck, she's perfect. Awesome outfit, bright teal eyes, that bitchin' arm-panel thing going on, and the ribbons on her chest and …
[Anime] Tamako Market (KyoAni) Thumbnail
[Anime] Tamako Market (KyoAni) So KyoAni's next anime has been teased. The girl looks adorable. Looking at the people producing it I'm really looking forward to it. It's an original as well. …
[Anime] Soul Eater Thumbnail
[Anime] Soul Eater Well, the first episode has been subbed. It held my attention and hopefully it will stay throughout the series. I really hope it doesn't just turn into a filler + plot + filler + plot kind of show. I …