Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


Really, Jacob? Yeah. the banner is fake. Pics are forged / just make some fakes and such then screenshot. ... but then, …
Boku wa Tomodachi finished 2nd season Thumbnail
Boku wa Tomodachi finished 2nd season Watch it niggas
Million Dollar Question... Do. You. Want. To. Get. PHYSICAL?
Facebook wasn't a joke It's here to stay. Everything is social in the future. The ps4 even has a share button on its controller. Fakku is an innovator in the market and must pave the road for other companies to follow.
Run Spot Run Choke Spot Choke
Hey Guys! I'm going to write a book about Dragons who disguise themselves as people and go to high school. And if they come in contact with fire, that part of them reverts back to being a dragon wit…
Was anyone else fooled? I read more on the Facebook connect and I jumped out my chair. I logged in to see if my favorites were shared and I realized. Its April Fools Day. Good one Fakku Was anyone else fooled?
I never played League of Legends does it play like this? if it does, I am ashamed to have waited this long to play it
Who is your higher power? Thumbnail
Who is your higher power? The person who can always boss you around and has a high authority over you. Be it God or your Xbox. Who is your higher power? For me it has to be thy Wife. If you have a spouse you may re…
Reading Hentai in Books instead of Image Files. This is just my guess but i bet a lot of you Read them Online or Downloaded, have you ever touched or read the Real Thing ? in all it's Paper glory and Jag-free images ? i'm just asking , after all pe…
Fakku on Facebook After Seeing that post that Jacob made Im almost tempted to post something hentai related on my facebook just to see the reactions...curiousty is killing me >.
The bears at my head scratching my fish all for a cat. Das not even the worst part. Homeless been stalking me on my own lawn watching from his living room. I can't see the sun from my basement but I can hear the racketball. Done been to and from but that'…
Adobe Crash Player Thumbnail
Adobe Crash Player -Picture Unrelated- Dunno why, but for the past while (about two months or so) my browser freezes and I keep getting this message: …
Would you... I saw this guys profile picture saying "Would you... Drink my urine". Time around me froze as a little play went on in my head. Suddenly that girl asked ME…
Sempiternal Good album; glad I got it.
>Btooom! Fuck Btooom. I need to go to sleep but I want to keep watching. Also I really like Kira: …
Watamote doujin I found a Watamote, aka It's not my fault I'm not popular! doujin. It's a happy plot, but as it's in Japanese, I can't read it. I hope you guys like it.…