Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
Moar Art So yeah, comments are appreciatec, criticism is allowed, yadayadayada. By the way, they aren't very good.
By the way,this is only my good stuff, you can see the rest at …
Rules of the Internets It's quite surprising how many people have never read this. Next time someone asks about it on these forums, refer them back here. Here they are, the Rules of the Internets:
wishing help my school here have us to look for senior students' essays
and internet here limit the seach for articles written in ENGLISH T_T
If you happen to know some in magzines or Internet ,plz h
Halloween Costumes I walked into the newly opened Halloween store like every year to purchase a costume. But what do I see? Costumes that'll either show my ass or make me look ridiculously stupid.
I'm sure …
One sided attempts. Let start off way at the beginning since this is complicated...
Long ago, back in elementary, i was friends with a couple of girls. One in particular, we really got along well and had alot…
Traveling around Japan... Hello! I know I haven't posted in forever, but I have a question (Many, actually.)
A friend and I are planning to travel around Japan at the end of our sophomore year, so now's the time wh…
The horrors of the public transportation system This story brought to you by what I assume is hard liquor...or at least I hope...
Today started like any other day. I woke up. I got dressed, I ate and I picked up my briefcase. I walked t…
Safe Day? Hey Guys/Girls
I read alot of the mangas lately and alot of the girls in them seem to mention a safe day. Like when the guy is about to ejaculate and they say " Come inside! UHHHH! It'…
A new product from Bandai that will be released in 2010. Something that really caught my interest. I hope they'll change p…
i think i'm an artist... I wait long enough for getting a free time to draw this.
Bigger res:
Kinda freaking out, there is so many idea of a…
Google Easter Eggs I'm not sure if this goes in Random or IB.
Post google eastereggs that you know of :
Here are the ones i know -
"The answer to life the universe and everything" Go…