Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
TUF Finale Oh man, some great fights. The main card was brutal, a brawl straight out of the gate. I'm surprised that Guida wasn't knocked out with that head kick. Sanchez elbows from the bottom were brutal. …
Limits to love this is a more serious question, but I figured it more appropriate to put in this in here than the serious discussion.
What do you think the limit of love is? When does the love factor g…
Year One I just went to see this movie thought it was pretty good.
Had some good jokes and I loved all the biblical references, they really amplified the jokes in a good way. The presentation was …
ghost psi attacks (?) i remembered a pic in my computer that made me remember that ordeal...
i dont fear the supernatural but this scared me shitless... me and my friends went in to his old man's manor where there wa…
character sketches and things i drew her and thought she was pretty nice looking. i was a bit obnoxious with the flowers but it was fun.
i don't have a name for her yet or any other information really.
just wanted to s…
My yuri H-art!! Hello, i am new here... so i just introduce you with my Art...
i still wondering why t…
[ Poll ] Run them over? Seriously talking, I was on my way home from work cruising at about 55m/h(88km/h), I'm passing the local fair ground which happens to be hosting the county fair this week, the fairs closed for the nig…
Action Sports Who plays, watches and or enjoys action sports?
Right now I'm getting into Dirt Biking and waking boarding, hella fun. I also FR bike and DJ/Street on my 26'' Norco 250.
FAKKU Time Lapse Videos and Tutorials I couldnt find a thread like this, so if there is one, mod feel free to remove my thread.
I think it would be great if members posted up video tutorials or time lapse videos of them workin…
Your handwriting
Its pretty cool. It told me a lot of stuff that was correct.
The one that surprised me most was the "I" part. Scared me a bit.