Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
Asobi Seksu New York based band, Japanese singer, lyrics in Japanese and english depending on the song. Light-rock/indie sound. Very cool. I discovered them a couple weeks ago and I'm really into them. What do yo…
WaterBed.... The people in the video almost all sat on the edge of the bed and fell back, frequently doing so in pairs. I hope this doesn't mean they were acters, but instead that this laydown technique simply ten…
Any idea what mp3 player/cellp supports FLAC files? well my cell doesnt support flac and i have most of my great great songs in FLAC and i dont feel like converting them and i mighr get some money soon, so anyone have an idea of what mp3 player or cell…
cause i know you don't check entertainment but check out this thread... (i should have just posted it here... but oh well...)
New Nine Inch Nails Album, Free 100% legal! For anyone who is a fan of Nine Inch Nails, will be happy to know that NIN is releasing their new album, The Slip, for free on their website. The album is 1005 DRM free, and registered under a Creativ…
My dream n such I think ill give this a try...
my dream, like many others is to make vidja games
o course, rpgmaker doesnt really count as
video game software, does it?