Incoherent Babbling


Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …
RZ Commissions hello all. this my first post on this site ! woohoo what i need to know is how can I commission something to get translated. I NEED to have KANSHO by Kira Hiroyoshi tranlated. Haven't bee…


[ Poll ][ Locked ] Believe Machine chapters I wants to know what happened to them! I need my believe machine...
[ Locked ] Is there a good way to kill yourself to become famous? If so, you should list your ideas here, including what the prerequisites for such a plan are. Also, it would be good to list what other people around you would have to do/be expecting for …
Western Distributors - Who's On Top? So for as long as I can remember of my early otaku life, Kitty Media, subsidiary of Media Blasters, was pretty much the top company responsible for bringing hentai anime physically to the western worl…
longest fapping streak? hey Fakkuers, what's the longest time you've fapped for? And how many times did you ejaculacte over the duration of your fapping marathon? Personally I went 8 times over a period of about 2 hour…
Explain how you'd anally destroy the user above or below you Title says it all. In this case: On a bed, in a shed, with a spiked dildo made of lead.
Welp, no more internet for me tonight. I was searching for the "who pooped last" video from robot chicken because Cards Against Humanity reminded me of it. skimmed through the comments and came across this through a link. …
Insult the person after you. Because you never know whose toes you're gonna step on. Next poster is a retard.
What are some good manga released by Icarus? I'm looking to buy some of the manga that Icarus released and I was hoping people could help me figure out which ones are good. Also, listing tags/themes for the works can be helpful.
10,000 hentai logic/facts. That's right 10,000. Now I want people to put one at a time, you can put one hentai logic/fact per post. But no spamming, so if you want to add a second hentai logic/fact somebody else needs to post …
Slutty Anime Teacher Experience? We have seen it a lot in anime, slutty teachers that give their male student a hard time to study and give them an easy boner. But have you ever experienced this before a hot/slutty teacher in your sc…
Long, long ago... in a goat pussy far far away, there was magical smegma that would infinitely produce while you touch it with your left ear. if you 8 the smegma, yuu got eternal waifu. dere was none who could witstand…
Random Website I have a cold and I was coughing when I typed into the browser. I was sent to this other website that just made me can't even. Look at the…
ARTISTS!!!!! Back in the days when the site wasn't filtered, I was introduced to so many hentai genres that I eventually lost count of how many genres are actually out there, sure nothing beats real porn when it c…
Okay, well... I will bump this thread on September 9th, 2019. It's too bad the old one got locked, oh well. I'm leaving this thread here as a record of my existence. The present versus what I was in the past.…
Should I boink a chinese ladyboy to live out a fantasy? I'm tall hand some he's cute shirt and it's not even gay really. The whole arm locking dating thing but my cities full of homophobes but who cares if I score a timid AZN …
ARTISTS!!!!! Back in the days when the site wasn't filtered, I was introduced to so many hentai genres that I eventually lost count of how many genres are actually out there, sure nothing beats real porn when it c…