Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$......
why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self?
i do it all the time.
u dont need to hide it.
were all friends …
Anyone one else Starting to mistake groans of pain in anime for moans of pleasure? Seriously, the girls sound almost the same when in pain as they do when they orgasum. Puts a whole new spin on things from my point o…
Chronicles of Calvin, and Japan: From me, to you! Alright, I thought I'd start giving back the community by sharing my experiences in Japan. I know lots of you guys have already been to Japan multiple times and probably don't need/want to hear this f…
So Cloud8745 is now suspended on youtube so what do you guys feel about this? personally i dont like the guy...infact i hate him,he says he hates his fanbase and yet he uses them to troll others like there weapons
Now if your one…
What is your theme music being that we live in the Internet age, when any song we want to hear its only a few mouseclicks away, what is your theme song? The song that make you feel most cool, or a song you'd kick somebody's a…
Web Soup vs. Tosh.0 G4 and Comedy Central premiered their new shows about the internet this week, proving once again that there is no such thing as individuality on TV. :)
I watched both premieres and have de…
If u have to lose one of ur senses (Hearing, Sight, Speech) If u really have to lose One of ur senses, for a certain reason, which one will it be?
Not being able to listen, see, or talk??? (Only these three choices are available, so don't go around choos…
[Help] LDR Long distance relationship |: I love this girl,the love that is really love or what i think is love =x. The problem is the distance, I know we can be together.
But what's on my mind is, does she really love me. And ho…
[ Locked ] The deletion of posts. So, it's happened twice over the past 24 hours, I have seen two of my posts disappear... Neither post broke any rules. I just want to know what the guidelines for deleting posts are, is it based on co…
[Question] What do guys want in a girl? Since i'm a guy:
In a girl i want looks;
Kute is autowin <3>.>
Really trustworthy
Thinks positive
Can pick me up when I'm down (sad or something)
Smart - …
[ Poll ] Revoltech Neo Queens Blade poseable figures Revoltech Neo a new line of poseable revoltech series will include female figures namely Queens Blade characters.
Leina, Airi and Echidna are on the top of the list. Gotta love those ball …
I Worship FAKKU... I find that Most of time im going to Fakku to:
1)Downloading Hentai
2)Reading Interesting Topics
3)Downloading Hentai Games
4)Going to the IB to have fun...
blow me... my powersupply blower is spinning slowly... is this bad? should i get a knew power supply? how can i turn off the blower? reply asap anyone.....:((