Serious Discussion


[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


Pain:a natural warning, but is it necessary? Thumbnail
Pain:a natural warning, but is it necessary? What is pain? Pain is a signal that evolution has used to warn us about damages that occur to our physical and possibly mental form. Without this warning, survival is close to …
Card Game Tentacle Bento a Satire? Or Perverted Otaku Game? …
The Future for Japan Thumbnail
The Future for Japan As the title implies, I am seeking opinion about Japan's economic future, geopolitical future, social structure and how it is going to change / not change in the future, the mentality of her people an…
[ Locked ] Are we all gonna DIE? Does anybody belive in or have any proof that Dec 21 2012 the world is gonna go BOOM! AK-47 on sale for $499 over at the sporting goods store.
[ Locked ] minimum age for fakku is in error Hello folks i have noticed that the munimum age of fakku is in error (this is 18+) Unlike here its 18 (by usa laws) is also an us site what is the reason …
Illegal immigration to asian countries and in general For example someone from Malaysia Africa Pakistan or rural China going to Japan; Or even a westerner, I can imagine it being very difficult, how do they manage? On another note illegal imm…
[ Locked ] Is there a rise of insane religious people nowadays? Note:I said insane religious people, not all I've read a post on here, (lucifee is my daddy, i love you daddy lucifee, bring me home, and protect me from the blazing inferno with you…
[ Locked ] What is money and why is it important? Please forgive me for posting a video, I simply hate leaving a brick of text, simply put nobody reads it; This is me explaining what gold is, and I am hoping for controversy on the subject, thank you.…
Why are Americans so afraid of Communism? Thumbnail
Why are Americans so afraid of Communism? Is it because of the Cold War? Is it because Communism is associated with Soviet Russia and Vietnam? (Not hating or anything, just curious. American's seem to have a thing against anything relating to…
Discrimination What do you think about discrimination? Have you ever been discriminated before? Have you ever discriminated? My answers are : 1. I think discrimination is the worst thing on earth,…
The limit to comedy. Ahem. Allow me to summarize my position on this rather serious question of, "When is it not ok to tell a joke about something?" The answer? Never. I just read a blog about a wo…
Intuition and all that regards it I've been wondering for some time now, does real genuine intuition exist? For those who don't know what it is, it's a sort of a 6th sense that can alter your decisio…
Philosophical Notion - Change Salutations! Erm, I hope this is the right place for this >_> Anyways, have you guys noticed that the world is in a constant state of flux? There is a saying that goes: "…
Solipsistic Existential Nihilism: Philosophy Time! Some[pointless] background: Spoiler:…
KONY 2012: Saviour or Scam I'm not sure if an topic discussing the recent KONY 2012 campaign has been created or not but i just had to bring this up. As a firm believer in the good of mankind and that we can make a…
Long-Term Psychological Effects of Porn/Hentai I dont mean watching porn from time to time and enjoying it. What i mean is, what effects do watching porn/hentai almost everyday or actually everyday have on the human mind. Does watching to much por…
Why To Be or Why Not To Be? I been looking through the serious discussions threads that involves religion, then I thought to myself, " Hmmmm how can I make it more interesting?" I thought about then the quote came to me " To be …
Cispa: the new SOPA Cispa Cybersecurity Bill H.R. 3523, a piece of legislation dubbed t…
Is religion worth fighting for? Although I was baptized as a Roman Catholic, it will never bend my sense of philosophy and judgment. Seeing how religion has, at first, brought great changes (which were mostly beneficial), it suddenl…
[ Locked ] Thinking... It gets me thinking... What's with all the people that comment on favor of Vanilla, and against NTR? Why do they care so much? is it that they hold their morals highly... or perhaps is it their way to…